Novotný Karel
Karel je chrlič skvělých nápadů. Věnuje se 15 let značkám a reklamě. Má za sebou stovky projektů, prezentací, spokojených klientů, brainstormingů, desítky tréninků, desítky workshopů, přednášek a 7 re... [Read More]
Image of Nikoloz Bolkvadze
Nikoloz Bolkvadze
Nick is a PR & communications consultant helping companies or individuals to develop their brand and outreach. His previous position at Leaders Magazine enabled him to build relationships within t... [Read More]
Image of Belinda Filippelli
Belinda Filippelli
Last year a speaker, this year a moderator! Social media obsessed founder of GoViral.cz and Co-Founder of Outbounding.org. Originally from NYC, she’s lived in Mexico, Thailand, Switzerland and Russia ... [Read More]
Image of Adam Špina
Adam Špina
Strategy Planner overlooking social media projects at Triad Advertising in Prague, full service agency with strong passion for social media and digital. [Read More]
Image of Pavel Drška
Pavel Drška
Social media specialist and project manager at Bioport agency, digital marketing freelancer, lector and start-uper. Cooperating with Tabfoundry – a free visual promotion builder. [Read More]
Image of Josipa Račić
Josipa Račić
Product manager of a global project Socialpuzzle, set of apps of Facebook pages. She is focused on creating unique products and experience for small business. [Read More]
Image of Michal Hanych
Michal Hanych
Lawyer, accountant and TEDx Kromeriz organizer, founder of SimpleTax Michal helps start-ups and social media people not to get lost when dealing with bureaucracy of the state. [Read More]
Image of Jan Perla
Jan Perla
Social Media Maniac – after gaining experience in OgilvyInteractive he became a freelancer. [Read More]
Image of Jan Suda
Jan Suda
One of the first on-line media planners in Czech with more than 13 years of experience, he´s now an Interaction Director at H1.cz /Group M and ready to rock your social media waters with his workshop.... [Read More]
Image of Jakub Zachnik
Jakub Zachnik
New content manager in Polish startup Realdeal. Enthusiast of new technologies, startups and social media. A blogger and front-end freelancer. [Read More]
Image of Zdeněk Linc
Zdeněk Linc
Marketing specialist at Slevomat. Responsible for making money out of Facebook and few other things. [Read More]
Image of Pavel Cyprich
Pavel Cyprich
The new editor-in-chief of Tyinternety.cz, the most visited Czech on-line source of social media news. Bringing in a plenty of experience from Czech Radio and Czech Television. [Read More]
Image of Ondřej Nečas
Ondřej Nečas
Consultant at PRIA with previous experience from PR.Konektor and HAVAS PR specialized in connection between soc. media & other communication channels, including real world experience. [Read More]
Image of Hubert Tworkowski
Hubert Tworkowski
Head of Sales at SoTrender, showing the companies how to use the big data and social media to support their business goals. [Read More]
Image of Alžběta Matějů
Alžběta Matějů
Online marketing consultant at H1.cz and a former Ogilvy Account Manager is focused on connecting SEO and Social Media especially when it comes to taking care of crisis communication across all the ch... [Read More]
Image of Pavlína Kvapilová
Pavlína Kvapilová
Former Director of New Media Division at Czech Televsion, created a lot of new media formats connected with the TV broadcast such as an interactive prime-time show Hyde Park CT24. [Read More]
Image of Michal Pastier
Michal Pastier
Group Creative Director at Zaraguza and BigNameTheory. Michal won more than 100 creative awards and his agency was featured in Wired, AdWeek, TechCrunch… [Read More]
Image of Albert Hupa
Albert Hupa
Head of the digital research company IRCenter specializing in delivering marketing intelligence. Specialist in FMCG, finance and technology sectors. Academically interested in social networks and data... [Read More]
Image of Maja Bilic
Maja Bilic
Leading project manager in performance oriented digital marketing agency Degordian. She is responsible for taking care of client projects and production team especially when it comes to using new and ... [Read More]
Image of Mariann Forgács
Mariann Forgács
Founder and CEO of Be Social, one of the leading social media agencies in Hungary. [Read More]
Image of Karel Tlusťák
Karel Tlusťák
Founder and CEO of Business Factory, the company behind ROI Hunter – a Facebook Ads platform that integrates FB Ads, Google Analytics and XML feed for e-commerce clients. [Read More]
Image of Michael Kamleitner
Michael Kamleitner
Founder and CEO of Die Socialisten, a leading social media agency (PMD) in Austria, creator of Walls.io and Swat.io tools, ex-DJ. [Read More]
Image of Chris Lee
Chris Lee
Head of Digital Knowledge at Grayling, a regular Econsultancy contributor and a blogger – Chris will talk about the way PR has changed and why ‘brand storytelling’ plays such an important role in on-l... [Read More]